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ArtPara Exhibition: 2nd to 11th, Sept. 2024

Queens, New York 34th Ave, NY

Para-’ is no longer means ‘paralysis’. This means the action of practice of “accompanying, coexisting, being together.” It has a broad meaning of ‘disabled and non-disabled people together,
country and country together, art and healing together, peace and freedom together, respect for human life and environmental protection together.’ArtPara’s goal is for people with developmental disabilities around the world
to express, practice, and heal through ‘Art Para’.

IDACO Forum: 3rd, Sept. 2024, 13:00 ~ 16:00

The IDACO Solidarity Forum will be a great opportunity for artists with disabilities from around the world to network and discuss the current issues in disability arts. Additionally, the ArtPara exhibition will showcase the artworks of the attendees.
