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ArtPara …

‘Para-’ is no longer means ‘paralysis’. This means the action of practice of “accompanying, coexisting, being together.”
It has a broad meaning of ‘disabled and non-disabled people together, country and country together, art and healing together, peace and freedom together, respect for human life and environmental protection together.’

ArtPara’s goal is for people with developmental disabilities around the world to express, practice, and heal through ‘Art Para’.

· Date : 2nd  – 11th Sept, 2024

· Place : OECD HQ in Paris (2 Rue André Pascal, 75016 Paris)

· 27 countries, 80 painters, 100 works

· Date : 2nd Sept, 18:00 ~ 20:00

· Participants : Painters and their families (80 people), VIPs and invited guests (50 people)

· Main events :

  – Tape cutting ceremony

  – Description of drawings by participating artists (USA, France, Korea, Luxembourg)

  – Welcome and congratulatory remarks (approximately 5 people)

    · Kim Geun-tae, painter

    · Ambassador Choi Sang-dae of the Korean Delegation to the OECD

    · Chairman of the Asian Paralympic Organizing Committee

    · Chairman of the Korea Institute for the Arts for the Disabled

    · Critic (Pascal Ordonneau)

– Celebration Ceremony

– Screening of media art works

– Networking party

· Date : 3rd Sept, 13:00 ~ 16:00

· Participants :

   – Korea: Korea Center for Culture and Arts for the Disabled

   – France: CNCA National Center for Creation and Adaptation

   – USA: Kennedy Center

   – Kyrgyzstan: Chess Association for Developmental Disabilities

   – Argentina: National University of Arts

   – Italy: Italian Paralympic Committee

   – Singapore and UK TBA

· Main Content :

   – Current status and introduction of culture and arts in 8 countries

   – Discussion of solidarity measures to promote the <International Disability Arts and Culture Olympics>

  * IDACO – International Disability Arts and Culture Olympiad Solidarity Forum

80 Artists from Five Continents 100 pictures

1 piece of video media
– Let the light shine

2 works of video media
– For eternal coexistence

25 pictures by Kim Geun-tae


I have been painting disabled people for over 20 years. It is a world that artist Kim Geun-tae talks about and depicts as an object of sympathy and overcoming to communication and empathy.

Painter Kim Geun-tae

스크린샷 2024-07-23 오전 10.48.27

1957 Born in Gwangju, Capital city of Julla Province, Korea
1982 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Chosun University in Gwangju
1992 Academie de la Grande Chaumiere (Paris, France)

Solo Exhibition
2022 Gwangju Biennale Exhibition (Biennale Hall), Gwangju KBS (Korean Broadcasting System), 40th Anniversary Exhibition (KBS Hall)
2020 Special Exhibition Marking the 40th Anniversary of 5.18 Gwangju Democratization Movement (National Asian Cultural Center Complex)
2019 Exhibition (Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul Arts Center)
2018 UNESCO invitational Exhibition (UNESCO, Paris)
2017 UNGO Invitational Exhibition (Geneva UNGO, Swiss)
2016 World Tour Exhibition (the Berlin Wall, OECD in Paris, Manet’s grasslands in China)
2015 UN Special Exhibition: International Day of People with Disability (UN Center Gallery, New York)

Total of 40 solo exhibitions

Major Award
2020 Presidential Award, Republic of Korea Culture and Arts

2022 “Like Wild flowers, Like Stars” Kim Geun-tae creative children’s book (write Seon Anna)
2021 “Study Kim Geun-tae’s view of works” (Hongik Graduate school master’s thesis Lee Gyubi)
2020 “Kim Geun-tae’s View of works” (Critique) “I am autistic, so I will be free” (Autobiography)
2015 “UN art brochure” (collection of art works) 2012 “Like Wild flowers, Like Stars” (Essay)

Exhibition history

ArtPara 2024 Paris gallery
